Our Project NOAH Adults and Families Program is a cornerstone of our community outreach efforts and stands as a testament to our commitment to provide unwavering support to vulnerable individuals and families facing diverse challenges.
The acronym NOAH stands for No One Abandoned Here reflecting our commitment to leaving no one behind in times of need. Project NOAH provides individuals and families facing vulnerabilities with case management and essential resources such as food and emergency financial assistance, and connects them with relevant support services.

The goal of Project NOAH is to empower individuals and families to overcome challenges and build a better future.
Here are two inspiring stories that exemplify the transformative power of Project NOAH:

Mary, a resilient grandmother, found herself with legal guardianship of her two year-old grandchild. Living on a fixed income, the additional responsibility brought financial challenges. Receiving food from our bi-weekly food pantry and grocery store gift cards eased the burden, so that Mary could provide the nutritious food needed for her grandchild. In addition, Mary’s case manager connected Mary to county resources for extra financial support and various services tailored for grandparents. The case manager’s unwavering support not only provided tangible assistance but also instilled hope in Mary’s heart.

Li, a single mother raising two children (ages 10 and 4), found herself alone after her husband abandoned the family. Feeling overwhelmed, Li was referred to a JFS Silicon Valley case manager, who became her pillar of support. Through the case manager’s efforts, Li obtained court approval for child support from her husband, ensuring financial stability. Her case manager also connected Li to essential resources for food and housing, providing a lifeline during a challenging time. Li expressed her gratitude to her case manager saying,

These stories embody the core essence of Project NOAH - offering a lifeline to those who find themselves at their lowest moments. Our dedicated case managers go beyond the call of duty to connect individuals with resources they may not have known were available.
